

Published 27.12.2023

Add Ecommerce To Wordpress

Introduction to WordPress E-commerce and How To Build An Online Store On WordPress With Reachu.

This article is a deep dive into integrating ecommerce into your WordPress site using Reachu’s Wordpress plugin, focusing on informative guidance and user-friendly navigation through the process. Combining the functionality of content management systems like WordPress with the dynamic world of e-commerce is transformative. WordPress is a content management staple for website and blog creation, while e-commerce encompasses the online marketplace for goods and services. Building ecommerce websites & creating online stores in WordPress has never been this easy.

Icon WordPress PrimaryUnderstanding E-commerce with WordPress

For those new to e-commerce website building, familiarizing yourself with the key concepts is crucial:

  • API: An Application Programming Interface is a set of protocols for building and interacting with software applications, a bridge that allows different software systems to communicate. For example: WordPress, Shopify and Reachu.

  • API Keys: API keys act as secure access points for Reachu to interact with your WordPress site. They ensure that requests between your site and Reachu are authenticated and authorized. The “Key” on your end, is basically just a code you copy and paste into the correct input fields to connect and gain access.

  • SDK: Software Developer Kits are a collection of software tools and programs used by developers to create applications for specific platforms.

  • Channels: Channels are where your products live and how they reach your customers. When you set up a WordPress channel in the Reachu Dashboard, you’re creating a direct path for your products to be displayed and sold on your WordPress site.

  • Collections: These are curated groupings of products that you can display together. For instance, you might have a collection for a specific category like 'Yoga Mats' or seasonal items like 'Summer Essentials'.

  • WordPress E-commerce Plugins: These plugins are tools that integrate e-commerce capabilities directly into your WordPress site, allowing for the sale of goods and services.

  • E-commerce WordPress Integration: The process of integrating e-commerce functionalities with a WordPress site, which can include product displays, shopping carts, and checkout processes.

  • E-commerce Site Builder: A platform or service that provides the infrastructure to create an online store.

The Intersection of WordPress and E-commerce

Entering the realm of online sales begins with the foundational step of creating an e-commerce website. WordPress, a powerful and versatile platform, serves as an excellent starting point for entrepreneurs and businesses alike. When paired with the capabilities of e-commerce, WordPress transforms into a robust e-commerce site builder, allowing for the seamless selling of products and services online. Users can browse and select products directly on your WordPress site as if they were shopping on a dedicated e-commerce platform.

Ecommerce on WordPress opens up new avenues beyond the traditional ad monetization strategy. While ad monetization can provide a steady stream of revenue for content-driven sites, integrating e-commerce functionalities with Reachu presents an opportunity to directly monetize your audience by selling products.

This approach not only increases revenue but also enhances the user experience by minimizing reliance on disruptive advertising. Thus, a well-implemented e-commerce setup on WordPress can be a strategic complement or a lucrative alternative to ad monetization.

Adding e-commerce features to a WordPress site can be approached in various ways. Plugins like WooCommerce stand out for its simplicity and integration capabilities, and Reachu's plugin aligns with it, syncing seamlessly to offer extended functionalities. For those desiring in-depth integration and customization, using APIs and SDKs offers a more robust path. enhances WordPress & Woo by offering a seamless integration tool. Our SaaS (Software as a Service) provides the ability to convert any digital interface into an e-commerce outlet and synchronize your data across multiple platforms efficiently. The combination of WordPress ecommerce plugins and tools like's API and SDK opens up possibilities for merchants to create, manage, and scale their e-commerce websites.

Ecommerce Website Building on WordPress

The path to building a comprehensive e-commerce WordPress site involves several key steps and the integration of specialized tools, but Don’t worry! The actual implementation doesn't take much longer than following our guide:)

After registering, there are Three Main Tasks to be fulfilled in order to launch your first product on WordPress, these consist of: Connecting your Reachu and WP accounts, Customizing the plugin to match your Brand identity and Adding the Products you wish to Sell.

Connecting WP to Reachu

Wordpress connect api

Step 1: Create a Account and Log In, this is your dashboard for all things e-commerce! You can start using the WordPress plugin for free - with no strings attached. Sign up to access our API and SDK, which are essential for integration.

Step 2: Navigate to the WordPress plugin directory Download, install and activate the Reachu Embed Commerce plugin to your WordPress. Once the plugin is installed and Activated, you have to connect it with your Reachu account using the Reachu API Key.

Step 3: The API Key can be obtained in the Reachu Dashboard

  • Press the Channel button on the left hand side.

  • Press Add a Channel and select WordPress.

  • Find your API Key. If you don't have a key created, click on the Create button.

  • When you have the Key click on Copy.

Finally, go back to your WordPress admin panel and paste the Key into the input field, click Connect. The Reachu plugin can be found and managed from the left hand menu in WordPress.

Customization and Branding

To build ecommerce website features that are deeply integrated with your WordPress site,'s API facilitates real-time data synchronization and advanced e-commerce functionalities. Meanwhile, the SDK enables the development of shopping carts and checkout systems that can be natively embedded into your WordPress content.

OK, but how does this affect my content and what does a native checkout look like? An essential aspect of creating an ecommerce website is ensuring that the visual elements align with your brand.

  • You can customize the look and feel of your e-commerce components to align with your wordpress theme, maintaining consistent brand experience across your WordPress website building project.

  • Set a default currency for your checkout, or allow the option to change it.

  • Add tracking through Mixpanel, Hotjar or Google Analytics

  • Select the logo you want to appear on checkout

  • Embed individual products or collections into WordPress content directly.

  • Customize blocks to match the style of your WordPress site.

  • Payment and Checkout: Multiple payment options, including Stripe and Klarna.

    Add product blocks in your WP editor and simply select the products you have uploaded on the Reachu platform. Users can now add products to their cart, enhancing the native WordPress experience and making it the best wordpress shop theme.

Adding products

Once you've installed the Reachu Embed Commerce Plugin you can add products directly in your WordPress editor. First of all you will need to make sure you've added the product you want to sell to WordPress from your Reachu account. 

  1. Go to Channels, inside the Reachu platform, on the left hand side of the Dashboard.

  2. Select "Manage".

  3. Then choose “add items” if the product is not already there. 

  4. Once this is done go to your Wordpress editor

  5. Select the Post you want to add the product to.

  6. Select blocks and find the Reachu blocks.

  7. Select “choose product” and add the product you want.

Reachu also synchronizes with most ecommerce systems, for example if you wish to sell products from your shopify or any other platforms, those products can also be uploaded into your Reachu account and displayed to sell on Wordpress.

Launching Your E-commerce Site

Final advice before you Go-Live with your products is testing and refinement. Prior to launch, a thorough testing phase is critical to confirm that all e-commerce functionalities are operating flawlessly within your WordPress environment, ensuring a smooth customer journey from browsing to purchase.

With all systems tested and your e-commerce integrations in place, your WordPress site is ready to debut as a fully functional e-commerce platform.

Reachu’s API & SDK allows for Synchronizing your product listings across platforms. The dashboard provides unified management for Orders, Inventory and connections with other brands or individuals.


The process of ecommerce website building with WordPress is streamlined with Reachu’s integration. From selecting plugins to launching your site, every step is an opportunity to refine and customize your e-commerce experience. Embark on a journey to create an ecommerce website on WordPress, equipped with the tools and insights needed for success in the online marketplace. enhances the WordPress platform, serving as an e-commerce site builder that empowers site owners to embed products, manage inventories, and handle transactions all within the same dashboard. By leveraging these features, you can build an e-commerce website that stands out in the digital marketplace.

For more detailed instructions and to get started, visit us at or check out our video guides in the help center. Happy selling, and we'll see you online!

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