Blog increases revenue by using reachu's api to embed ecommerce


Published 05.12.2023

How and why you should add ecommerce to your Wordpress

Are you looking to sell products on your WordPress site? Adding ecommerce functionality can be a great way to expand your business, engage your audience and make more money. It doesn't have to be technically difficult or require any previous ecommerce experience. 

In this article we'll tell you more about why you should consider adding ecommerce and look at some of the solutions that exist.

Why it can be great to sell products on your blog

There are several reasons why you might consider adding ecommerce functionality to your blog. For example, imagine you're reading a blog post about the best hiking gear, and you come across a product recommendation that catches your eye. With contextual commerce, you would be able to add that product to your cart and complete the purchase without having to navigate to a separate website or checkout page. Instead, the shopping experience is seamlessly integrated into the blog post, making it easy and convenient for customers to make a purchase. Providing your audience with these kinds of experiences can have several benefits including:

  • Increased Revenue: Selling products on your blog can provide an additional stream of income for your business. By offering products related to your blog's niche, you can monetize your audience and earn revenue from product sales.

  • Enhanced User Experience: If you're already providing valuable content on your blog, why not offer products that complement that content? By adding ecommerce functionality, you can provide a more complete experience for your visitors and help them find the products they need.

  • Increased Engagement: By selling products on your blog, you can encourage visitors to interact with your content and take action. This can lead to increased engagement and a stronger connection with your audience.

  • No redirections: ecommerce limits the need for affiliates or ads, meaning you can stop sending your audience away from your site and improve their experience and time spent on your site. 

  • Competitive Advantage: Depending on your niche, there may be few or no other blogs offering products for sale. By adding ecommerce functionality to your site, you can stand out from the competition and establish yourself as a leader in your field.

WordPress ecommerce integrations & solutions

There are many ecommerce solutions available for WordPress, each with its own features and benefits. When selecting which provider you should choose be aware of the different features, degrees of difficulty and experience needed that fits your use case and time. Here are some top options to consider as well as some pros and cons:


Shop rocket is an ecommerce platform that allows businesses to add an embeddable shopping cart to their website or web application. Users can create and manage product listings, set up payment and shipping options, and track orders and inventory.


Allows developers to add ecommerce functionality to their website or web application. With Snipcart, users can set up product listings, shopping carts, and payment processing, as well as track orders and inventory.

Wpshop is a plugin that allows users to integrate Shopify with WordPress, enabling them to manage their online store from within their WordPress dashboard. With, users can create and manage product listings, set up payment and shipping options, and track orders and inventory.


WooCommerce is an ecommerce plugin for WordPress that allows website owners to create a fully functional online store. While WooCommerce is great for ecommerce it requires experience and time to get started. It is built for full fledged ecommerce sites, not blogs or magazines.


Shopify is a popular ecommerce platform that allows businesses to create and manage online stores. With Shopify, users can set up product listings, payment and shipping options, and track orders and inventory. The platform also offers a variety of customization options, including themes, apps, and integrations with third-party services. If you don't have any products you can use Shopify to access products from third parties through dropshipping applications such as Spocket and Modalyst. However this sort of setup requires time and can be fairly complex.

Shop rocket, wp shop and snip cart are all great alternatives when it comes to adding ecommerce to your wordpress site. However, you should note that they require you to have existing products to sell. While WooCommerce and Shopify are full suite ecommerce systems and require more experience, they do allow you to tap into dropshipping applications to source products from.

How reachu let´s you add ecommerce to WP

The pitfall with most of the platforms mentioned above is that they either require you to have your own products or you need to invest a lot of time and effort to get going, for instance with Shopify or WooCommerce. Reachu has tried to address this and remove as many barriers as possible for you to get started.

Reachu allows you to source products from your partners by syncing with their ecommerce system. This way you can send orders back to their system, make sure you’re selling products that are in stock and ensure product information is up to date.

Getting set up should take you no more than a few minutes: 

  • Create a free reachu account

  • Download our WordPress Plugin. 

  • Connect with your partners to get access to sell their products

  • Embed products to your site directly from your WordPress editor. 

  • Reachu handels orders and payments.

  • Get paid.


Through adding ecommerce to your site or blog you can implement contextual commerce or embedded commerce meaning that customers can seamlessly purchase products without leaving the blog post. By offering products related to the blog's niche, it is possible to monetize your audience and earn revenue from product sales. Adding ecommerce functionality to a blog can help provide a complete experience for visitors, improve engagement, avoid redirections away from your site and establish your blog as a leader in their field.

Good luck!

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