

Published 03.01.2024

Integrate shopping into your app

Unleashing New Revenue Streams in Apps: Monetize with Embedded Ecommerce


In the digital age, monetizing applications is a critical concern for developers and business owners alike. The advent of embedded ecommerce has opened up a new avenue for monetization that aligns with the modern consumer's demand for convenience and instant gratification. This article explores the transformative potential of integrating ecommerce functionalities directly into applications, offering a seamless shopping experience that can significantly boost revenue.

The Evolution of App MonetizationIcon Applications

Traditionally, apps have relied on advertisements, in-app purchases, and affiliate marketing to generate revenue. While effective, these methods often disrupt the user experience and take potential customers away from the app. However, embedded ecommerce changes the game by allowing users to discover, choose, and purchase products without ever leaving the app environment. This integrated approach not only enhances user engagement but also opens up new revenue streams for app owners.

Embedded e-commerce effectively turns every app into an opportunity to build an e-commerce app within its core functionality.

Seamless Shopping Experience

With embedded ecommerce, applications can now include a native shopping cart, product display, and checkout process all in the same block. This works just like buying an item from an online store, the key difference is that it can be implemented into any application even if the overall purpose of the app has nothing to do with ecommerce. As long as your app can draw attention to a certain topic or a product category from the right group of people, you can now sell complementary products to you audience.

With embedded e-commerce, developers using frameworks like Next.js for e-commerce can now include a native Next.js shopping cart, making the shopping experience indistinguishable from that of a dedicated e-commerce platform.

Transforming Apps into Marketplaces

This approach is akin to creating an online shopping app and transforms applications into dynamic marketplaces, regardless of their primary function. Imagine the seamless experience of an online store—browsing products, adding them to a cart, and checking out—now picture that entire process taking place within the environment of your app. This technology isn't confined to retail or shopping apps; it's versatile enough to be integrated into any application that commands user attention.

Whether your app focuses on content, gaming, health, or any other service, if it can pique interest in a particular topic or product category, embedded ecommerce lets you capitalize on that interest. This means that a fitness app, for example, can sell health supplements or workout gear directly to its users without redirecting them to an external store. It's a seamless fusion of content and commerce, tailored to the interests and needs of your app's audience.

This integration means that users no longer have to navigate to a different website to complete a purchase. Instead, they can simply add items to their cart, select product options, and checkout directly within the app. This not only simplifies the buying process but also keeps users within the app ecosystem, increasing the likelihood of repeat purchases.

Commission-Based Revenue Model

No inventory? No problem! For apps that do not hold their own product inventory, the embedded ecommerce model offers a high-quality alternative to traditional dropshipping. Through platforms like Reachu, apps can source products from third-party merchants and producers, allowing them to sell products directly to consumers. The app owners earn a commission for each sale, based on the percentage agreed upon with the involved parties. This model is particularly beneficial for developers and app owners who want to monetize their app without the complexities of stock management and logistics.

Global Reach with Local and International Connections

Embedded ecommerce also enables apps to tap into both local and international markets. By partnering with a diverse range of merchants and producers, apps can offer a wide selection of products to users worldwide. This not only increases the app's value proposition but also expands its revenue potential beyond geographical limitations.

The Reachu Advantage

Platforms like Reachu provide the necessary tools and integrations to make this seamless transition into app-based ecommerce a reality. By offering a robust API and SDK that support a variety of front-end stacks and programming languages, from traditional web apps built with React or Vue to modern no-code platforms like Adalo and Bubble. Reachu makes it possible for even those with minimal development experience to quickly and efficiently integrate ecommerce functionalities into their apps.


The integration of ecommerce into applications is more than just a trend; it's a forward-thinking approach to app monetization. By providing a direct path to purchase within the app, developers and owners can create a more engaging user experience while tapping into new revenue streams. With platforms like Reachu facilitating this integration, the barrier to entry for app-based ecommerce is lower than ever, making it an attractive option for app developers looking to monetize their creations effectively.

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